Surprise! I’m Good At Things

In preparing for the Cape Comic Con in April, I’ve had to order a few things.  From Staples, where I worked until a few months ago, I’ve ordered a professional-grade poster and some postcard size prints.

One of my former coworkers, Courtney, helped me check over everything to make sure I approved.  When she opened the box of postcard prints, she said, “That’s really pretty.”  Then, she paused and glanced at the image again.  “Did you draw that?”

“I did.”

“Wow.”  Courtney smiled and passed the box over to me.  “I shouldn’t be surprised.  You’re good at everything.”

Her experience with me stretches to how I treat customers and coworkers, hard work, and how I act with and around friends.  Courtney knew I was a writer, but she didn’t know much about the art side of my creativity.  Still, she said I was good at everything.

“I wouldn’t have believed that six months ago,” I told her.  It wasn’t a lie.  I know I’m good at some things, but I never thought I might actually be as good as I want to be when it comes to things that actually matter.

A few days later, my departing supervisor at work mentioned just how much I’d improved at forklift driving since I started.  Her sentiments echoed what Courtney said.

“You’re good at everything.”

I hope that’s the case, I really do.

If I can pull that off, I have some interesting stories to tell.  I have images to show off, things painted with words and built out of pencil lines.  Belief in others, that’s an amazing thing.  I can only hope it kindles like a flame, growing steadily stronger rather than being snuffed out.

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